Episode #7:

Kaitlin shares her health journey, starting with hormonal imbalances and the negative effects of birth control. She discovers the presence of mold in her home and the impact it has on her health. Kaitlin takes control of her health by implementing various strategies, including dietary changes and detoxing. She experiences improvements in her autoimmune diseases and successfully conceives naturally. However, she continues to struggle with fear and PTSD related to mold. Kaitlin seeks help from Dr. K and undergoes chelation therapy to detox heavy metals. She experiences a sense of peace and is less sensitive to mold. Kaitlin encourages others to never settle and to be their own advocates in their health journeys.
- Take control of your health and be your own advocate.
- Implement dietary changes and detoxing strategies to support healing.
- Address the root causes of health issues, such as mold and heavy metal toxicity.
- Don’t let fear and PTSD hold you back from healing and living a fulfilling life.
00:00 Introduction
01:29 Kaitlin’s Health Journey Begins
05:05 Struggling with Hormonal Imbalance
07:03 Discovering Mold Toxicity
10:25 The Impact of Mold on Health
13:45 Taking Control of Her Health
17:15 Implementing Health Strategies
21:19 Continuing the Healing Journey
25:28 Dealing with Fear and PTSD
32:34 Chelating Heavy Metals
36:39 Conclusion and Words of Encouragement
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Peak Performance
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Dr. K
- On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/theosteodoc/
Coach Kyle
- On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/toxinfreekyle/
Kaitlin Riceputo
- On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kait_riceputo/
Kyle Hulbert (00:01)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the peak performance podcast. My name is coach Kyle and today we are doing our ghost guest episode. I’m here with Dr. K.
Ben Kosubevsky (00:11)
Hi everybody. Thank you for joining us for our latest episode as we deep dive into one of our very first listeners journey to health. So we’re going to have her talk about how she ended up on this podcast, basically from the beginning, what brought her to seek alternative treatment and how she, you know, her journey through all of it. Kaitlin, welcome to the show.
kaitlin (00:33)
Thank you. Thanks for having me. I’m excited to be on.
Kyle Hulbert (00:38)
Very nice. So, Kaitlin, you want to start by just telling us a bit about who you are, just so the audience gets to know you a little bit.
kaitlin (00:46)
Yeah. So my name is Kaitlin. I am married to my high school sweetheart. I have a six year old and a three year old. Both babies are my miracle babies. I taught for seven years, fourth grade. And during that teaching period, I really started to also pick up an interest with health and wellness. And now that I’ve been home with my babies for the past,
six years, I have just dove head first into really studying all there is to know about health and wellness. And that’s become my main passion right now.
Kyle Hulbert (01:29)
Yeah, that seems like a story very similar to mine, self -researched and self -learned. But I believe that’s not where the similarities end. You have quite a health journey that we’d like to share with the audience. Would you mind going back to the very beginning and telling us how this health journey started, what symptoms you might have started with, or how it started to arise?
kaitlin (01:51)
Yeah. So I got married very young, 21. I think I just turned 21 and we were ready to start our dream life. We bought our first apartment together. We moved in. I got my dream job where I wanted to teach and everything was going exactly how I wanted life to go. And about six months after I got married, I just started feeling really off.
And I went to my typical OB and they said, let’s put you on some birth control, manage your hormones, yada yada. I didn’t know anything. I didn’t know any better than just to listen to the advice that was given. So I went on birth control just for routine hormone management for about six months. And I felt worse than I ever did in my life.
I gained probably 15, 20 pounds. My mental health took a complete blow. I did not even recognize who I was anymore just from my own thought process and how I felt. So I immediately threw those away and was like, no way, I’m not doing that. I can’t do this. But I continued to pay for it health wise. And I just continued to start feeling
horrible, gaining weight, depressed. And I really didn’t know where to turn or where to go because the doctor who I thought I was supposed to trust, you know, I did what they recommended and felt worse. So I met with a friend who was, yeah.
Ben Kosubevsky (03:37)
Can I interrupt you right there? Before we dive into further steps, so you said you fell off in the beginning, but off means different things, different people. You mind clarifying what off meant?
kaitlin (03:49)
Yeah, so I just remember feeling, you know, 20 years old. I was supposed to have the best energy of my life. I didn’t even have my own kids. I would go to work and drink a venti coffee this big and literally just like crash on my desk and want a nap right there by 10 a .m. And I just kept thinking, this is not normal. I see like some 50 year olds that have more energy than me as a 20 year old.
And I thought, is it hormones? Is it thyroid? I’m not really sure. But it obviously got way worse after I went on the birth control.
Ben Kosubevsky (04:29)
And did that first OB, did they do any testing on you or did it kind of just treat you based on symptoms?
kaitlin (04:35)
No testing, just kind of took into account, oh, you just got married and kind of took two routes from me being tired to, oh, you’re newly married and you don’t want kids. Let’s just handle it both with one option.
Ben Kosubevsky (04:53)
Kyle Hulbert (04:54)
So it started before you got on birth control. You were starting to feel fatigued and that was the main symptom, kind of maybe slight breast and things like that. Then you went on the birth control and got worse.
kaitlin (05:00)
Kyle Hulbert (05:05)
kaitlin (05:05)
Mm -hmm. And that was just the very beginning of it all. That was the moment I started meeting with people that I thought in my opinion were healthy, just to receive as much information as I could. I was so hungry to feel good and to be optimal and have this energy. And I felt like I searched and searched and searched. It started with…
Kyle Hulbert (05:06)
kaitlin (05:35)
changing my diet and I tried to do everything that my vegan friend was telling me to do. I followed her advice to the tea. She’s like, go vegan, do this, do this. I’m like, okay, I followed it to a tea. I gained 10 more pounds. And that was when I was like, okay, this is not working. I need to do my own research and become my own advocate and really figure out what’s going on inside my own body.
And that’s when I wound up at an endocrinologist’s office who then told me that you have a very low thyroid and we’re going to put you on thyroid medicine. And basically you’ll be on that thyroid medicine for the rest of your life and you’re going to really struggle to get pregnant. And so again, left very defeated, but went on the thyroid medicine and started to feel a little bit better, but still.
felt like something was missing. And then fast forward, we move into our first home that we buy and we’re in this home and this was the moment we decided we wanna start trying for our family. Well, in this home is when the absolute worst health issues just started to completely pile on me. And that was when I really dove headfirst into.
detoxing and health and wellness supplements, trying to meet with health coaches until finally I looked at my husband one day and said, I think something in this house is killing us because we were being made fun of by my friends for how many different health detoxes I was doing from weekly enemas to every morning before I go to teach, I’d give them a wheatgrass shot. We were doing
Blutathione IVs once a week and just continuing to feel worse. And I said, I don’t know why I just get this gut instinct something in our house is killing us. And I was at that moment, I started hearing people talk about mold in your homes and how mold can make you really sick. So my husband finally agreed to do an air sample test and it was right around the same time we were.
seeing a fertility doctor. And we agreed, okay, why don’t we just start the route of IVF and do that. We were about to buy all the medicine for IVF when I got a phone call from the actual lab who received our air sample results. And I’ll never forget that phone call. He said,
Based on how high these numbers are, I am required by law, I have to call you before I can even submit these results to the company who took your air sample. He said, take the shirt off your back and never walk back in that house again. Mind you, this is a house that passed inspection with flying colors. There was not one visible sign of mold anywhere. And the air count was so high.
He said, we don’t know how you and your husband are even walking around.
Ben Kosubevsky (08:57)
Did your husband have symptoms?
kaitlin (09:00)
No, he was he was out of the house a lot more than I was But I was teaching till like, you know, three three three thirty four o ‘clock every day and I would come right home and just crash I would fall right asleep I was in the kitchen made like most of the time doing all the cooking where the count was the highest He was having some issues with when it came to fertility regards because I
we were seeing a fertility doctor at the same time. So they were doing sperm analysis on him. They were doing a full blood panel on me. They did one time say, we’re not really sure why, but you have a really high count, but the sperm is all coming out dead basically. And so that’s when I was like, this is not, this does not make sense. So yeah, go ahead.
Kyle Hulbert (09:55)
So in synopsis, basically you were feeling off, which to you meant fatigued when you were younger, when you were just married. And you tried some hormonal birth control that made it worse. So you went off that and then you kind of had these two parallel journeys where you’re struggling with fertility, but also kind of the fatigue and maybe the mental health side of things is getting worse also. And then it all came to a head when you moved into this house that was full of mold.
kaitlin (10:20)
Yeah. And now in hindsight, looking back, we actually had a mold assessor there and he said, you know, one of the worst apartment complexes that I’ve ever done work in is an apartment complex. And he named the apartment complex that we had first lived in. And I was like, oh my gosh, I think that we basically just jumped ships.
Kyle Hulbert (10:26)
kaitlin (10:53)
and that mold was poisoning me in the first apartment and then I moved into a house that was even way worse. And it was at that point that I was like, you know what? I just cannot force a pregnancy into my body when I know that it’s not getting pregnant for a reason. There’s a reason why my body is not allowing a baby to grow inside me because I’m literally being.
bombarded with toxins all around me and it’s screaming for help. So that’s, we canceled the IVF obviously and spent the next two, three years detoxing. We got out of that house. But it was at that journey, at that moment, we moved into a new house and I just had nowhere to turn. There was no one that knew anything about how to detox mold.
and why mold would even make you sick. Everyone looked at me like I’m delusional and oh, like everyone has mildew in their shower. There’s no way it’s making you that sick. And they just kind of poo -pooed it. But that was when my blood work started showing insane amounts of inflammation. I got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s leaky gut.
Early Epstein -Barr virus, my antibody count on my thyroid was over the thousands and my hair was falling out in clumps. My hair was to my waist when I got married. It was up to here in three or four years and I never cut it. It was just breaking and falling. My skin was cystic acne. I also was diagnosed with endometriosis. I would black out.
to the floor every period. My husband would have to literally pick me up in the car and drive me to the ER because the pain was so bad, I would literally black out from cysts rupturing. And it was just the most defeating time of my life because I was seeing a fertility doctor who knew nothing how to treat me, a regular endocrinologist who knew nothing about, he just told me, no, you’re going to struggle with Hashimoto’s for the rest of your life and you’re going to have a hard time getting pregnant.
Then I was seeing a general doctor who was like, take some fiber capsules to help detox the mold. And I’m just sitting there with all three of these experts, like, here you go, good luck. And I’m young, I’m not even 30. I haven’t gotten pregnant yet. And I’m just like, where do I even turn? Where do I even go?
that’s when I just was like, you know what? Take from the bottom where you feel the worst and climb yourself out of this pit. And you’re the only one that is going to have the energy and the motivation to do this for yourself, because as kind as these doctors were, they didn’t live with my symptoms every day. They didn’t see the struggle. So at the end of the day, they don’t really care. They go home to their family and they forget my name.
So that’s when I realized if I don’t take this into my own hands and do something about this, I am A, never gonna be a mom and B, I’m not gonna survive this because the mental, the way that it was affecting my mental health, I just was like, either sink or swim. You have to make a choice. And it was at that moment that I just, I call it like I climbed out of my pit and.
crawled out of my pit, just one book at a time, one podcast at a time, one interview on YouTube at a time. I just, I would spend the evenings watching YouTube videos from doctors that were banned and reading books and podcast after podcast, making notes, making notes, slowly implementing as much change as I could in my life.
Kyle Hulbert (15:08)
Kaitlin, I’m really sorry you had to go through that. That’s a really tough situation. And sadly, a lot of people with toxicities, heavy metals, molds, things like that, go on being diagnosed for a long period of time. And there’s kind of this mental struggle and societal struggle where we don’t quite accept people who don’t have a diagnosis. So unless you can put a name on it, it’s not real in a lot of people’s eyes. So I am sorry that you went through something like that. My story is very similar.
with mercury poisoning.
Ben Kosubevsky (15:40)
kaitlin (15:40)
Wow. Yeah.
Kyle Hulbert (15:43)
So you mentioned, you mentioned one thing that before we roll on, I want to kind of highlight, um, you said your husband didn’t have many symptoms. Um, Dr. K is this, is this something I know we’ve talked about a little bit, um, on our podcast and we talked about mold, but can you speak to this a little bit more about how you see this in your practice?
Ben Kosubevsky (16:01)
Uh, yeah. So we get this all the time where one spouse will come in and be really sick like you, Kaitlin. And then that’s one first question to ask is, is your spouse sick or your kid sick? And the answer is no. It tells me it’s something more with the patient in my office more so than whatever’s going on at home. Your case is a little bit different, Kaitlin, because you had such toxic levels, but as a general rule, there’s usually some kind of underlying toxicity that’s allowing the mold to.
cascaded so heavily in that one person.
kaitlin (16:32)
Yeah, that makes sense.
Kyle Hulbert (16:33)
Yeah. So, so going forward, you know, you started, you said you started digging yourself out from the bottom of that pit with your own research. And this is something I advocate a lot as I’m not a doctor and Dr. K is a doctor and we’re not giving medical advice on this podcast, but I’ve done a lot of my own research also. And I was, I was, I’m thankful that I was going through a program in schooling that taught me how to do research when I was sick.
And so I really advocate for people to do their own research, to learn about their own health, to be their own advocates, because you are going to be the one that’s most concerned about your health over anybody else. So
kaitlin (17:03)
Kyle Hulbert (17:15)
we highly recommend that to our listeners. So going from there, you started digging yourself out. What was the next step? What did you do? What strategies did you implement? What worked? What didn’t work?
kaitlin (17:27)
So I remember reading about how I think it was one person had said Hashimoto’s can be cured. You don’t have to live with it for the rest of your life. And it was that first moment that I was like, wait, I don’t have to struggle with this for the rest of my life. And I started really studying the thyroid. And I remember reading about how the gluten molecule is actually very similar.
registered in the body as the thyroid molecule and how very often when you’re over consuming gluten, because it’s so highly sprayed with the glyphosate roundup, the body is attacking the gluten molecule and it creates this false communication process in the body and starts attacking the thyroid. And so I started viewing these antibodies on my thyroid as like this army.
of soldiers attacking the wrong thing. And so I was like, you know, I’m going to just go gluten free, hard core gluten free. I’m just going to tell everyone I’m celiac. And they would say, oh, did you, you know, did you do the celiac testing? And I would just like, yep. And I would just say, yeah, because I knew, you know, being celiac, eating gluten can start causing autoimmune diseases. So I just viewed this as like, no, this is not a diet.
If I’m going out for dinner, I’m going to be telling the restaurant, like, I am celiac. I need you to make sure it’s not in the salad dressings. And I took it very serious. I went completely gluten free for a year and I started doing things that rebuild the holes in the lining of the intestines like glutamine powder and things to just repair my intestinal lining because I knew that leaky gut oftentimes goes hand in hand with Hashimoto’s.
And at the one year mark, just by doing those two things, I retested my antibody levels and they were zero. And I remember at around the nine month mark getting it tested and it was like, like a hundred. And so I was so excited and I was like, oh my gosh, it’s like this marathon you’re running and you can see the finish line. I’m like, it’s working, it’s working, it’s working. I’m going to get that. I’m going to get to zero. I’m going to get to zero.
And I had so many friends argue with me, no, no, no, you won’t. I hate to tell you, but there’s no way. Like you’re going to just struggle with asthma. And I was like, watch me, watch me. And I got to that zero mark. And this doctor, you know, that worked with me testing my blood, he was very kind and, you know, he continued to check it each year, the six month mark, and it remained at zero, two years down the road. And my digestive problems went away too. And
That was the best, most rewarding feeling. And it was at that moment I realized there is no better feeling when you can give your body the tools to heal itself because the body is a powerful machine. It knows how to heal itself when properly fueled and when the right things are put in and the right things are taken out, the wrong things are taken out. So that changed my whole perspective and it empowered me.
It was the first moment in my life I felt empowered and wanted to just shout from the rooftops to tell everyone, like, you can do this. You can be your own advocate. You can find healing. And, you know, I just don’t think that we are motivated enough or educated enough. It’s scary. It’s hard. But seeing that is when is when everything changed for me.
Ben Kosubevsky (21:19)
So can you kind of talk about what steps you took once you realized that?
kaitlin (21:26)
when I realized that my autoimmune diseases were gone.
Ben Kosubevsky (21:30)
Yeah. So what was your next step in life?
kaitlin (21:34)
Yeah, so that was when I really started focusing on, okay, now that my autoimmune diseases are gone, I want to dive into, I want to peel back the next layer of the onion and see how I can begin daily detoxing and daily fueling my body with health. And I would start studying
you know, the liver, how to detox the liver. And then, then it would lead me to adrenal fatigue and how to prevent adrenal burnout. And I was studying, you know, people that were doing coffee enemas. And so I was doing coffee enemas. And then I was buying infrared saunas to help detox the lymphatic system. And it just became almost like addicting, like this, this pathway of wanting to find more. But,
I knew I was taking multiple steps forward and then every now and then a step back, I would just feel this brain fog again and this exhaustion and it worried me. And at that point I knew, don’t ignore the symptoms. Just listen and research and get to the bottom. I kept saying, this is not me. This is not who I am. I wake up with energy.
I’m a go -getter, I’m organized. And then, so when that would come over me, I would be like, okay, this is not me. And that’s when I started kind of developing a little bit of a fear with mold. And my friends would call me out and I would just start saying, I think my house has mold in it again. And I was starting to get afraid and I would get air sample tests and they would all say,
that your house is fine, you’re crazy. And I’m like, okay, okay, just stop being crazy, Kaitlin. It’s in your head. And so I’d move on. And then I’d go back to that gut feeling like, I don’t know, I think something’s still wrong. And spent almost the past two years doing this. And backtrack, we did get pregnant naturally. After I healed the autoimmune diseases.
I was able to conceive naturally, both babies, and had two incredible pregnancies, two incredible laborers. We did not need to do IVF, any of that. And so again, another huge monumental moment in my life where I was like, I will never forget that one fertility doctor that looked me in the eyes and said, you have a 1 % chance of ever conceiving naturally on your own. And that was at that moment I said,
Oh yeah, watch me. And both babies conceived naturally and implementing healthy lifestyles for them. But I kind of got to that place this past year where I was like, okay, I feel like I’m doing it all. I feel like I’m doing it all way more than the average person. Liver detoxing, gut health, mineral nutrition, grounding.
infrared sun, I mean you name it. People would meet up with me and be like, oh, are you doing that? I’m like, yeah, yeah, sit down. Let me tell you the book I could write on that. And they’re like, oh. And then the fear and the PTSD about mold started getting a lot stronger where I felt like, okay, I really need to listen to this voice. And sure enough, we found mold again in our new
So I went back to the doctor that had been doing my blood work that I worked with via Skype and he basically told me, based on your blood work, you’re definitely being re -exposed to mold again and you need to get out, you need to find a house without mold. And it sent me on a spiral. Like I live in South Florida, the humidity is so high. How can I, we bought a new,
townhouse, I air tested every square inch of this house before I moved in. There was no mold. Like how in the world am I supposed to live the rest of my life running from mold and being terrified of it? And that’s when I was like, this is more damaging than the mold, my mental health with this fear of like, I have to literally control, I literally have to air sample every building that I walk into.
Like we pulled our daughter, I pulled my daughter from the preschool that she was about to go to the day before school started because I walked into her classroom and saw mold and I was like, no, we can’t do, we can’t go here. Like there would be play dates at friend’s house. I would say, sorry, no, we can’t go there because the mold. And I just was like, I can’t live the rest of my life like this. So I reached out to a friend and.
I knew went through mold toxicity and I was just like, what did you do? Because you I feel like you’re back to normal. I feel like you’re 100%. Did you did your is your house like spick and span clean? And she’s like, No, we actually still have a few ongoing issues, but I feel great. And I’m like, Okay, what did you do? Because clearly like my, you know, binder fiber powder capsules are not doing anything. And the PTSD.
which is also a side effect of the mold and the heavy metals in the brain. It causes like, and Dr. K taught me that severe PTSD. It was getting so intense for me that my friends were like starting to get worried about me. Like, you know, Kaitlin, you can’t avoid walking into a building or a grocery store or your gym class and that, and know that if there’s going to be mold or not, like you have to live your life. And
So that’s when my friend recommended me to Dr. K. And I remember sitting down with him and I was like, I’m pretty sure I have the gene mutation that makes you more sick to mole than this. And I have an identical twin who, she wasn’t as sick and other family members. And that’s the first time in my life that I had ever heard about the connection between.
heavy metals and mold and parasites and how they all pretty much feed off of each other and become a feeding ground for each other. And so it was also the first time in my life that I felt this immense fear leave me that it’s not my job. I don’t have to put that kind of insane pressure on me anymore to make sure every…
square inch of every air quality of every building that I’m breathing in for the rest of my life is pure and clean because that is enough to make someone go crazy. Dr. K like just gave me that piece back in my life to say, no, we can detox these heavy metals out with chelation IV
So Dr. K recommended that I do a provoked urine test and test my heavy metals, which this was the first time I’d ever really heard about this. So I was really excited that I finally found something that wouldn’t continue to make me mold sick for the rest of my life and so mold sensitive for the rest of my life. And so sure enough, we got the urine test back and my mercury was very high and it just…
confirmed everything that I was feeling because the mercury in the brain is what causes the brain fog. It causes the PTSD, the anxiety, the depression, the mercury in the gut that causes all the digestive issues. And it was literally everything that I was struggling with. So I am like halfway, two thirds through that detox process. And then I’m going to begin my lead detoxing.
Kyle Hulbert (30:00)
So this is a very important point for the audience. A lot of times we myopically focus on one thing because we found, we think we found something that is really the root cause of all of our issues. But it’s more important to work with people who take a broad perspective and remain curious as to what other things could be causing different issues in your health. And this interplay between mold and heavy metals is something that I’ve dealt with too in my life. I had mold symptoms. I’ve talked about this on the podcast.
Um, but when I chelated my mercury out, the mold symptoms just went away and I’ve been able to be in less than perfect environments without any issues. Um, also here’s a thing you mentioned a few times. You said there’s this fear and this PTSD around mold. Um, and I think that cannot be understated. So there’s a, there’s a pretty famous influencer guy, Dave Asprey. Um, he says that half of the damage caused by mold in the body.
kaitlin (30:40)
Kyle Hulbert (30:59)
is from fight or flight reactions, worrying about mold. And
kaitlin (31:05)
That makes sense.
Kyle Hulbert (31:05)
he says it in Jeff, but honestly, it’s a very real thing. So the stress that worrying about it can cause your body is wreaking havoc in its own way. So you went and saw Dr. K and started chelating. So you’re about halfway to two thirds of the way chelated out with your mercury. How are you feeling now? Have you felt a difference?
kaitlin (31:16)
Yeah, it’s actually pretty funny to me because if I turned my camera around and you saw my house right now, I currently have air scrubbers. I currently have tarp taped off with areas that came back high in mold. And everyone, everyone has come up to me and they’re like, you just seem so different. I can’t explain it, but like you have this piece over you. And I’m like, I know.
I’m confused by it myself because I look at my own house and I’m like, wait, you’re just okay? And I’m like, yeah, I’m good. I’m totally fine. I’m totally protected. I’m gonna be okay. And I’m good. And it’s this crazy like peace. I can’t explain it because it’s not circumstantial. If you saw my house, like we’re moving out Monday so that they can begin the renovations. But.
The biggest thing that I’ve felt is like just this overwhelming peace in my mind. And definitely I know it’s partly with the chelation and detoxing of those heavy metals out of my brain. But I think also part of it is that first time in my life saying, you don’t have to live with this for the rest of your life. Again, like this journey I went through with Hashimoto’s, like,
we can walk through this together to detox and heal and one day you’re gonna help other people through this. It just allowed that fear to leave me and that’s how I know, you know, and when healing can actually take place is when that fear does leave you. And so it’s unexplainable. I’ve had multiple friends and family members come up to me and they’re just like,
you are so different. Like I can’t explain, you’re just such a different person. You have this peace overwhelming you. And I’m like, I know. So that’s been really exciting is that PTSD was probably the worst feeling of it all. And I’ve been so much more or less sensitive to mold. And it’s crazy because I’ve gone to gym classes and I walk in, I can smell it. Because my nose is so sensitive to mold now. Like I could.
probably be a hired mold dog. I walk in and I’m like, I’ll walk past someone in the grocery store and go, oh my gosh, there’s mold all over their clothes. Like I can literally, that’s how sensitive, that’s how close, like how much I can smell. And before it would be just enough of that walking in the building one time, I would be in my bed for the rest of the day, so sick, the most severe migraine, nauseous, dizzy.
And now I’m like, I smell it and I’m totally fine. It’s the weirdest thing.
Kyle Hulbert (34:16)
Thank you.
Well, I’m really happy for you. I’m really happy that you’ve had such an alleviation of those symptoms along with the mental aspect, because that’s huge. Heavy metals take a huge toll on your mental health. Something I experienced, which is kind of a corollary to what you’re saying, is when I was heavy with mercury poisoning, my brain, it was almost like I was shut off from spirituality. It’s like I couldn’t access hope, love, joy, anything positive. I couldn’t access God.
Um, you know, it was just the struggle, um, in terms of finding those positive things in life. Um, so know that you’re not alone and a lot of people are dealing with this. Um, I mean, that that’s a remarkable story and thank you. Thank you so much for sharing it. Is there anything else that you just want to conclude with and tell our audience?
kaitlin (35:09)
never settle and never accept just surviving every day. That’s not what life is about. There’s so much more than just day -to -day surviving. And I know we live in a culture that tells us survive by coffee to wine, sunup to sundown, just have something to get you through to survive. And I would just say, challenge yourself. There’s so much more. You should be thriving every day. You should be…
You should have passions. You should have hobbies. You should ignite other people to feel passionate. You should be helping people. You should have a platform of some kind. And if you’re not there, then you’re probably in denial of how crummy you feel. And the first place to finding healing is choosing in your own mind. I’m not going to stay here. I’m going to get out of denial and I’m going to crawl out if I have to.
in, ask for help, start seeking help, get help, be your own advocate.
Kyle Hulbert (36:15)
Well, thank you so much, Kaitlin, for being on the show. What a remarkable story. If people want to find you or connect with you, where can they find you or connect with you?
kaitlin (36:23)
I’m on Instagram. My handle is K -A -I -T -Kate underscore rice puto, R -I -C -E -P -U -T -O.
Kyle Hulbert (36:34)
Okay, well, we’ll put that in the show notes for everybody to click on and follow her. And if you want to reach out to her and share if her story inspired you, please, please feel free to do so. Dr. K, any finishing comments?
Ben Kosubevsky (36:47)
No, thank you so much, Kaitlin, for sharing your story with us. I’m sure that’ll inspire a lot of people to not give up hope and keep looking for an answer. Keep figuring around. Don’t give up. Make this a note, Dr. To say, oh, well, you’re stuck with this. Sorry.
kaitlin (37:04)
Kyle Hulbert (37:04)
There is hope guys. Well, thank you so much for joining and this is the Peak Performance Podcast. I’m Coach Kyle here with Dr. K and our guest, Kaitlin. Thanks guys.
kaitlin (37:14)
Thank you. Thanks for having me.